The Beginning of My Hanna Holborn-Gray Fellowship

Greetings! This blog is where I will post periodic updates and interesting findings from my summer research project. The funding from the Hanna Holborn-Gray Fellowship I received will allow me to focus my energy on studying papyrus this summer. My project will focus on reading the papyri in the Bryn Mawr College collections in the Rare Books and Manuscripts collection in the Miriam Coffin Canaday library. I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity, and I am so inspired to get started- especially because I have just finished a wonderful three-day seminar held by Bryn Mawr to prepare the recipients of this fellowship for a long-term research project. The sessions held over this three-day period were inspiring and informative, and I was also thankful to meet “my fellow Fellows”, and our graduate student mentors.

My first order of business is to assess the papyrus collection at Bryn Mawr and find all relevant materials, including what little provenance there may be in the archives. I have no idea what I’m going to find! Or maybe even what I will not find. Research is funny like that.

I would also like to say that I am grateful to my professors, family, and wonderful cat for helping me get this fellowship. I am so grateful, and so inspired to begin this journey!

Signing off,


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